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JUST DO IT - Valentine's Day

If you have read my other blog posts you may recognize a broad theme of living by the strategy of doing what will get me out of my comfort zone in some way or another. And what better holiday to give a little encouragement to people who need it than Valentine's Day?

(*** disclaimer: I have never been in a relationship longer than 8 months and I am single right now with no plans for tomorrow :/ .... I'm not saying I have all the answers or even any answers. Just a dude who's seen quite a few rom-coms.)

In the spirit of Valentine's Day, I'm writing to hopefully provide that little nudge for someone to make a move on this loved/hated holiday.

Here's my advice...




Whether you're debating if you should move your fling to the next level, or you're someone who isn't the most romantic but are debating a big outside the box idea, or want to profess an attraction to a close friend, or maybe even wanting to just send a simple text to see where it could go. JUST DO IT. Cupid only works one day a year, make him work for it and work some magic.

Obviously, you know your situation better than me. Don't just do something crazy that is completely out of left field. Evaluate what's going on, what has happened recently and so on. This advice is mainly for those who are over-thinking, debating back and forth whether or not to take a little leap of faith, and are stressing TF out about it.

A few things to think about ....

1. Be ready to be turned down. It's always a possibility but should not be a deterrent. Being completely comfortable with what could happen is the best way to feel at ease. Know that you may lose someone close to you or you could be embarrassed for merely a few moments. BUT you could also spark a fire that is maybe even a little overdue, you could strengthen your current relationship even more or you could just make baby-step progress with a text convo catching up with that one person.

2. BE YOU and Be Confident. If you aren't being true to yourself it will be very apparent especially to this person that you are supposed to know at least a little bit. CONFIDENCE PEOPLE. Even in failure confidence will be appreciated and respected. Once you make up your mind that you're going to do whatever it is, do it with some zeal. This goes for the ladies too, you have no idea how nice it is to have a girl make a real first move with some initiative and confidence.

3. NO REGRETS. For the people in a relationship, do that slightly unexpected cute idea for your boyfriend/girlfriend. You literally have nothing to lose, you know they like/love you... For the others, there's so many people in this world, be comfortable knowing you put yourself out there and you won't have any regret or overthinking about coulda, shoulda, woulda! Regret is one of the worse feelings a human can feel in my opinion. Don't let a little anxiety or stress steer you away from a good thing.

4. Odds are they are overthinking it too. If you are playing out all 97 possible outcomes/situations then most likely they are wondering what's going to happen too.

5. It'll be a good story no matter what. Either A, you take that leap of faith and it's welcomed with joy and similar feelings and now you have a moment to share with a special someone and can say you had the guts to do whatever it is that you did. Or B, you get turned down and can walk away liberated without regret and not to mention a little more comfort in that situation for the next time you get an itch to text that ex, or whatever it may be.

If none this made sense or helped your indecisiveness just think in your head how much you truly want whatever it is to happen. If you're okay NOT going through with the idea that's in your head then you obviously don't want that person as much as you think you do. You should be struggling with the thought of letting an opportunity pass. To the point where you are comfortable with all possible outcomes and think "F**K IT", and do it.

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